Ciutadella de Roses | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Ciutadella de Roses 25 centuries of uninterrupted history

History stops again and again at Roses. Founded as a Greek colony, its location makes it a strategic point in the Mediterranean. For this reason, the site has experienced various occupations and has been a target of numerous attacks. Today, the Ciutadella is a modern cultural centre and an extraordinary site.

Brought together over an area of 139,000 m2 are the archaeological remains of the Greek colony and later Roman colony of Rhode, the Romanesque monastery of Santa Maria and the structure of the old village of Roses, which even retains some medieval fortifications.

The current walls are fortified with large bastions dating back to the Renaissance and modern eras. It was in the 16th century that the King Carles V the Holy Roman Emperor, commanded the Ciutadella and the Castell de la Trinitat to be built to protect them from pirates and Turks.

In 1814 the French themselves were the ones who wanted the Ciutadella, which has been restored and was opened to the public at the end of the 20th century.

Since 2004 within the enclosure, you can visit the Museu de la Ciutadella, a contemporary building which summarises the history of the complex.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

Don't miss the family activities organised by the Espai Cultural La Ciutadella at its facilities and find out how the ancient Greeks and Romans lived or discover the animals that are hidden in the Ciutadella.


Espai Cultural La Ciutadella
Av. de Rhode
17480 Roses (Girona)
Tel. 972151466

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