The Creu d’en Cobertella Dolmen | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
The Creu d’en Cobertella Dolmen A tomb from more than 3,000 years ago
The Creu d’en Cobertella megalithic dolmen, in Roses, is the largest in Catalonia. Located at the Casa Cremada site and documented since the thirteenth century, this megalith is an exceptional Neolithic tomb.

With an age of between 3,000 and 3,500 years, the dolmen is formed from large slabs of granite gneiss, a material abundant in the area, and belongs to the passage grave type. As such, there would have been a narrow passage of large stones and a burial chamber covered in earth or stone. Of the Creu dolmen, the chamber and antechamber are preserved, while nothing remains of the corridor which would have led up to them.

All these structures were covered with an artificial mound, circular in shape, earthed over and would have probably been surrounded by a series of stone blocks which have since disappeared. Within the chambers of the dolmen, successive, multiple burials were carried out, a burial method common in Neolithic times.

The dolmen of the Creu d’en Cobertella was restored in 1957 and the archaeological excavations brought to light the remains of pottery, Roman coins and bones. It is located in an area rich in megalithic tombs.

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What can I do?
Continue along the megalithic route between the Cap de Creus Natural Park and the Albera massif. Did you know that the Alt Empordà is one of the areas in Europe where the highest concentration of monuments megaliths can be found?
Carretera a Montjoi
17480 Roses
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