Fisheries and Walks in Banyoles | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Fisheries and Walks in Banyoles Fishing for social and economic prestige

On the east bank of Lake Banyoles, between Paratge dels Desmais and Caseta de Fusta and following the landscaped walkways, some unique constructions stand out: the fisheries.

The construction of these fishing platforms began in the 19th century and continued until 1931, when the Council banned the building of any more. Originally simple, they became more sophisticated as time went on. Their form is functional, becoming large, wider structures with the capacity for more boats, a symbol of social and economic prestige.

As a result of the expansion of the Catalan bourgeoisie and the practice of water sports, the fisheries were the object of reforms throughout the 20th century, both to increase their storage capacity, and so people could stay there.

Currently they can only be viewed from the outside as they are privately-owned.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

Take advantage of a tour around the edge of the lake. In addition to being able to admire the exterior of the fishing platforms, you will discover an area of great geological, ecological, scenic and cultural value.


Passeig de l'Estany s/n
17820 Banyoles (Girona)
Tel. (+34) 972575573

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Lake Banyoles

You will see the Fisheries and Walks and the natural space that surrounds them.