Museu de les Terres de l’Ebre | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Museu de les Terres de l’Ebre

A territory marked by the river

From history and ethnography to geography and the economy, also taking in the ecology. The Museu de les Terres de l'Ebre (Museum of the Lands of the Ebro in Amposta) gives a cross-sectional view of the Ebro delta region. Visitors can learn about the Ilercavones, learn different ways of fishing, even see a ‘llagut’ up close, the most characteristic river boat.

It was created in 2011, as an expansion and updating of the previous Museu Comarcal del Montsià (Montsià County Museum). It occupies the old modernista building of the Miquel Granell state school, which has been converted to meet the needs of a modern and thought-provoking museum project. The museum conserves and manages one of the most important collections of nature, archaeology and ethnology in the Terres de l'Ebre region made up of more than 35,000 objects, among which the Falcata stands out, an Iberian sword that forms part of the set of urns and artefacts from the Iberian necropolis of Mianes (Santa Barbara).

The permanent exhibition "The lands of the Ebro: from prehistory to the middle ages" takes a tour through the history of the banks of the lower Ebro, starting from the archaeological remains found in the area. The second room, "Ebro: the water road" focuses on the influence of the most important river on the Iberian Peninsula on history and the collective identity, and reflects on what the future of the territory will be like.

On the museum’s website, various archaeological items can be viewed in 3D.

The museum will head up the network "Ebro nature & culture" which brings together museums, interpretation centres, archaeological sites and monuments in the different municipalities of the Ebro.

Plan your visit

What can I do?
Don't miss the exhibitions and activities related to the River Ebro and the region.
Event hire
Open all year: Tuesday – Saturday: 11.00 - 14.00 17.30 - 20.00; Sundays and public holidays: 11.30 - 14.00
Closed: Mondays; 1 January; Good Friday; 1 May; 15 August; 11 September; 6, 25 and 26 December

Museu de les Terres de l´Ebre
C. Gran Capità, 34
43870 Amposta
Tel. 977 702 954 Veure localització