Palau Güell | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Palau Güell A house with stars and 'trencadís' (mosaic)
World Heritage

In 1885, Eusebio Guell commissioned Antonio Gaudi to construct his residence in the heart of Barcelona, ​​specifically in the street Nou de la Rambla. Gaudí conceived a solemn and ostentatious building, and used rich and expensive materials such as marble, hardwood and wrought iron. The sobriety of the façade, most likely due to its location on a small site on a narrow street, contrasts with the lavishness of its interior. Parabolic arches on the façade are decorated with wrought iron railings, and give away to a wide entrance, allowing for the entry of horses and carriages.

The building is accessed through a magnificent central hall covered by a dome that exceeds the height of the roof and, through perforations shaped like a star, lets in sunlight. The hall, with a chapel attached, is richly decorated with columns, windows and grilles and leads to other rooms, all replete with windows and ornate furniture. The palace also has a large stable basement, a feature that few houses had.

There is also innovation in the use of chimneys located on the roof of the building; elements frequently used in the imaginative decoration of Gaudí. In fact, it is in the design of these chimneys that the architect first used a decorative resource that became most representative of his work: the 'trencadís' (mosaic).

Plan your visit

What can I do?

-The Palau Güell holds lecture series, concerts, performances, poetry recitals etc... Find out more.
- Enjoy the summer nights on the roof of the Palau Güell with Gaudí, the best music and exceptional views.
- Don't miss the family visits 'Divertim-nos en un palau del segle XIX' (Have Fun in a 19th-century Palace).

AccessibilityEvent hireAudio guides

Palau Güell
C. Nou de la Rambla, 3-5
08001 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 934725775

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Heritage stories

Let's take a tour of the Güell family's house

This is how the Palau Güell looked when it was inhabited by one of the richest families of Catalonia.