Regional Museum of Cervera | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Regional Museum of Cervera The legacy of Agustín Duran i Sanpere
The cultural life of Cervera has a hero: the historian, archivist and archaeologist Augustine Duran i Sanpere. Towards the end of the 1950s, he set up the Museum of Cervera and, in 1963, in the midst of an agricultural transformation, he created the Museu del Blat i la Pagesia (Wheat and Farming Museum) to document the life and work before the industrialisation of the Catalan fields.

The present Museu Comarcal de Cervera (Regional Museum of Cervera) is, in some ways, the legacy of this great man of culture. It is the sum of the old Museum of Cervera, the Wheat and Farming Museum and, finally, the Casa Museu Duran i Sanpere (Duran i Sanpere House Museum), the birthplace of the historian.

And this ancestral home is where the headquarters of the Museum is based. On the ground floor you can see the permanent exhibitions that showcase the artistic and historical collections of the old Museum of Cervera. You also take in the first floor and discover how a wealthy family lived in the 19th century. Much of the furniture and household objects have been retained, including the library of Agustín Duran i Sanpere, and his collection of still and film cameras.

The other site is the Wheat and Farming Museum, of an ethnographic character. It grew out of the call of Duran i Sanpere to the farmers of the region to try to bring together all those objects of the field that had fallen into disuse. It was created with a collection of more than 600 objects. Currently the museum is undergoing refurbishment.

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What can I do?
Guided tours and tourist routes. It also has a programme of schools activities.


Museu Comarcal de Cervera

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