Sites of the battle of the Ebro | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Sites of the battle of the Ebro Places against oblivion

At the end of the Spanish Civil War, the Battle of the Ebro was the turning point of the conflict that led to the loss of Catalonia for the Republicans. An intense combat that took place at Matarranya, Ribera d'Ebre, Baix Ebre and Terra Alta. Nowadays, the combination of the historical spaces and interpretation centres form the Espais de la Batalla de l’Ebre (the Sites of the Battle of the Ebro), living testimony to one of the most tragic episodes of the recent history of the country.

The Old Town of Corbera d'Ebre remains a silent symbol of the barbarity of this conflict. Walking among the ruins of the streets and houses recalls the bombardments and the misery of its former inhabitants. From Els Barrancs, (the gullies), in Vilalba dels Arcs, one can see a line of trenches 700 metres long which were part of the Republican defence network. At Fatarella there is a military refuge and the walls of the Castle of Miravet which served as a refuge for national soldiers who manned the town.

The Sites of the Battle of the Ebro has a total of 19 historical locations and five Interpretation Centres: 115 days (Corbera d’Ebre), Soldiers in the trenches (Vilalba dels Arcs), Blood hospitals (Batea), Voices from the front (Pinell de Brai) and Internationals at the Ebro (La Fatarella).

Plan your visit

What can I do?

A total of eight routes to follow on foot or by car to discover the stages of a decisive battle for the outcome of the Civil War.


Punt d'informació dels Espais de la Batalla de l'Ebre
C. Freginals, 18-24
43784 Corbera d'Ebre (Tarragona)
Tel. (+34) 977421528 / (+34) 977421726

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